![Cheong Wa Dae Guidemap](/resources/images/eng/sub/guidemap/guidemap-map.png)
- Grand Carden
- Small Garden
- Chilgung Palace
- Mugunghwa Garden
- Yeonmugwan, Sarangchae
- Main Gate
- Shinmumun Gate
- Yeonpungmun Gate
- Yeomingwan
- Helipad
- 37 Gate
- Chunchumun Gate
- Baekakjeong
- Hiking Trail Entrance
- Hiking Trail Entrance (Chunchugwan)
Main Building
Presidential Residence
The Old Main Building Site (Sugungteo Site)
Commemorative Tree of President Syngman Rhee: Fir tree
Commemorative Tree of President Park Chung-hee: Kaizuka tree
Commemorative Tree of President Chun Doo-hwan: Lacebark pine tree
Commemorative Tree of President Roh Tae-woo: Korean fir tree
Commemorative Tree of President Kim Young-sam: Cornelian cherry tree
Commemorative Tree of President Kim Dae-jung: Mugunghwa (Rose of Sharon)
Commemorative Tree of President Roh Moo-hyun: Pine tree
Commemorative Tree of President Lee Myung-bak: Mugunghwa (Rose of Sharon)
Commemorative Tree of President Park Geun-hye: Retusa fringe tree
Commemorative Tree of President Moon Jae-in: Camellia tree